The titles of the participants are those held at the time of their attendance. Listed alphabetically.

Ai Luming
Founder and Chairman, Wuhan Dangdai Science & Technology Industries Group; Governing Council Member, SIEF
Annette Nijs
Founder of The China Agenda; Former Cabinet Minister of Ministry Education, Culture and Science, Netherlands; Advisory Council Member, SIEF
Cai Dajian
Founder and Chairman, GTJA Investment Group
Douglas Hansen-Luke
Founder and Executive Chairman, Future Planet Capital
Gao Shaohe
Board Director and General Manager, Shandong Jinzhong Science & Technology Group Company Limited
Graham Stuart MP
Minister for Investment Department of International Trade, United Kingdom
He Longcan
Secretary-General, China Association for Public Companies
Jack Huo
Executive Director and Chief Representative in Australia, SIEF
Jiang Peisheng
Chairman and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Qingdao Huatong State-owned Capital Operation (Group) Co., Ltd.
Jim Qian
Global Partner, Fosun; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Fosun Tourism Group; Advisory Council Member, Sino-International Entrepreneurs Federation
Rt Hon Gordon Brown
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education
Li Yonggang
Chairman and General Manager, Shandong LittleDuck Group
Sir Gerry Grimstone
Chairman, Barclays; Chairman, Standard Life Aberdeen; Advisory Council Member, SIEF
Liu Xiaoming
Chinese Ambassador to the United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Stephen Perry
Chairman of the 48 Group Club
Long Yongtu
Former Chinese Vice Minister of Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation; Co-Chairman, SIEF
Sun Bin
Vice mayor of Jinan Municipal Government; Member of Party Leadership Group of Jinan Municipal Government
Lord Garnier QC
Former Solicitor General for England and Wales
Sun Qijun
Standing Committee of Baoding Municipal Committee; Deputy Mayor of Municipal Government; Member of Party Committee of Municipal Government
Lord Neil Davidson
Former Advocate General for Scotland; Advisory Council Member, SIEF
Tony Dong
Executive Director and China Coordinator, SIEF
Ma Weigang
Director, State-Owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission of Qingdao Municipal Government
Wei Ran
Chief Executive Officer, China Structural Reform Fund Corporation
Mike Hughes
Executive Vice President of Strategic Customers and Segments, Schneider Electric France
Zhang Xiaobei
President, Nouvelles D'Europe
Paul Dennett
Executive City Mayor of City of Salford
Zheng Wanchun
Party Secretary, President and Executive Director, China Minsheng Bank
Ren Zeping
Chief Economist, Evergrande
Zoe Zhang
Founder and Managing Director, Boao Business Consulting; Executive Director and Secretary-General, SIEF